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Moving a participant

You can move participants between conferences. Participants can be moved to any conference, but although participants can be moved from auto attendants they cannot be moved to them.

To move a participant:

  1. Go to Conferences > Move participants.
  2. Click and drag the name of the participant to the required destination conference.

Note that participants dragged and dropped into a conference on the web interface will be chairperson participants. (For more information about chairperson and guest participants, refer to Adding and updating conferences.)

To move multiple participants:

  1. Go to Conferences > Move participants.
  2. Select the check boxes for every participant you want to move and drag them to the required destination conference.

To disconnect a participant from a conference:

  1. Go to Conferences > Move participants.
  2. Click and drag the name of the participant in to Remove participant area at the bottom of that page.

Note that dragging and dropping a participant in to the Remove participant area simply disconnects the participant from the conference. It does not remove them from a scheduled conference. That is, when the conference next runs that participant will be called if their endpoint is a pre-configured endpoint for that conference.

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